Turkey I Poland I Greece I Romania
Our quality is fully registered! , Quality Management System and Information Security Management.

Our quality is fully registered! , Quality Management System and Information Security Management.

Our company, which has been audited periodically by the accredited institutions authorized by Türkak, has been awarded ISO9001, ISO27001 and ISO 14001 quality management certificates.
We aim to provide quality service to the international transportation sector with our fully technologically integrated infrastructure.

Our Quality Security and Information Policy

Adopting the principle of sharing its knowledge with the relevant parties, providing quality service, prioritizing customer satisfaction and confidentiality, Metroport has created and implemented its Quality and Information Security Management Systems policy around the following principles.

Accepting corporate data, personnel data and customer data as valuable and critical, to fulfill the obligations required by the laws regarding information security,
To provide the necessary infrastructure and to take the necessary security measures in order to ensure that the IT services used in the realization of our corporate activities continue uninterruptedly, and that access to personal and private data can only be accessed by authorized persons,
To comply with the requirements of Quality and Information Security Standards and to provide services in accordance with these standards,
To provide happy and satisfied stakeholders,
To comply with laws and regulations without compromise,
We undertake to share these approaches and priorities with the public and other interest groups.
Evaluating possible risks and opportunities within the scope of all its activities, systematically placing a prevention culture in our company,
To comply with the requirements of management systems and to ensure continuous improvement,
To carry out trainings that will develop technical and behavioral competencies in order to increase information security awareness,
To accept our customers and employees as a source of assets,

The work and conscious actions of our company personnel around these principles are extremely important for the effectiveness of our established management systems.

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